

  #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std ; //..................IF-ELSE-CONDITION............// int main (){     cout << "This is tutorial 9 if-else conditions and conditinal statements" << endl ;     int age ;     cout << "Tell me your age" << endl ;     cin >> age ;     if ( age > 18 ){         cout << "You can come to my party" << endl ;     }     else if ( age == 18 ){         cout << "You can come to my party" << endl ;     }     else {         cout << "Sorry you are too young for this party" << endl ;     }     return 0 ; } //...............SELECTION CONTROL STRUCTURE.............//


  #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std ; int main (){     int a = 10 ;     cout << "The value of a was " << a << endl ;     a = 30 ;     cout << "The value of a is " << a << endl ;     //.........................CONSTANTS iN C++...............................//     const int x = 10 ;     //.........................MANIPULATORS...................................//     int m = 1 ;     int n = 20 ;     int o = 1000 ;     cout << "The value of m without setw is " << m << endl ;     cout << "The value of n without setw is " << n << endl ;     cout << "The value of o without setw is " << o << endl ;     cout << " \n " ;     //.........................WITH SETW....................................//     cout << "The valu of m is " << m << setw ( 4 ) << endl ;     c


  #include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main (){     int a , b , c ;     cout << "Enter the value of a" << endl ;     cin >> a ;     cout << "Enter the value of b" << endl ;     cin >> b ;     cout << "The value of a is " << a << endl ;     cout << "The value of b is " << b << endl ;     cout << "The value of c is " << a + b << endl ;     cout << " \n " ; //use of sizeof()keyword// use of f and l in float and long double;// //****use of float, double, long double, literals********//     cout << " \n " ;     float x = 10.5 ;     long double y = 90.5 ;     cout << "The size of x is " << sizeof ( 10.5 ) << endl ;     cout << "The size of y is " << sizeof ( 90.5 ) << endl ;     cout << "The size of xl is " << sizeof ( 10.5


  #include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main (){     int num1 ;     int num2 ;     cout << "Enter the value of num1 = \n " ;     cin >> num1 ;     cout << "Enter the value of num2 = \n " ;     cin >> num2 ;     cout << "The total of both num1 & num 2 is = " << num1 + num2 ;     return 0 ; }


  #include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main (){     cout << "This is a hello world program \n " ;     float a = 10 ;     float b = 20 ;     cout << " \n The sum of a+b is :" << a + b ; /*arithmetic operators*/     cout << " \n The sum of a-b is :" << a - b ; /*arithmetic operators*/     cout << " \n The sum of a*b is :" << a * b ; /*arithmetic operators*/     cout << " \n The sum of a/b is :" << a / b ; /*arithmetic operators*/     cout << " \n " ;     //Increment Decrement Operators//     cout << " \n The sum of a++ is :" << a ++; /*increment decrement operators*/     cout << " \n The sum of a++ is :" << a ;   /*increment decrement operators*/     cout << " \n The sum of ++a is :" << ++ a ; /*increment decrement operators*/     cout << " \n The sum of a-- is :" &l

C++ Tutorial Tutorial 1

#include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main (){     int a = 10 ;     int b = 20 ;     float a1 = 100.9 ;     double b1 = 189.90 ;     char name = 'c' ;     bool is_true = true ;     cout << "Hello World \n " << ". This is  the value of integer = \n " << a << ". and this is a value of float= \n " << a1 ;     cout << "The char i stored in name is \n " << name ;     cout << "The value is \n " << is_true ;     bool is_false = false ;     cout << "The bool is \n " << is_false ;     return 0 ; }

Nshama Maha Townhouses at Townsquare Dubai

  Overview - Maha Townhouses is the latest project by Dubai's fantastic developer Nshama at Townsquare Dubai . It offers spacious 3 and 4-bedroom townhouses . These stunning townhouses have amazing facilities and provide the largest open area to enjoy. The interior of Maha Townhouses is designed by some famous designers in Dubai, Which provides comfort and peaceful living in these townhouses. Experience the luxury, comfort and peaceful life in  Maha Townhouses in a completely personal way. It provides the access to some of Dubai's famous locations like Al Maktoum Airport , Dubai Mall , Burj Khalifa and some Beach areas or many more, so here you can do anything that you want to do and live your life in peace and comfort. Features and Amenities - The Maha Townhouses at Townsquare Dubai are associated with several features and amenities that help you to achieve the goals of your life and filled your life with adventure and joy. Some of its delightful facilities are - a swimm